out december 25th

watch the official music video for 'this is the day', releasing alongside my debut album LYNCHIAN!

"brendan captures the fun and youthfulness that has been missing from the independent music industry for decades"
alister green, paddington records
"LYNCHIAN is as timeless as it is inventive"
tom wambsgans, waystar music
watch my "ten things i cannot live without video!"
"i fell in love with the abstract storytelling and clever filmmaking techniques, particularly when partnered with such amazing music!
damien simmons, the daily rancher
meet the team!
brendan desario
the future face of music
jack hall
the future face of finance

louise renton
the future face of philosophy and ethics
andrew field
the future of football

"genre blending and inventive,
just what the independent music
scene needs"
ian hawke, JETT records
"i have decided to collaborate with my best friends from when I was a teenager, as it made the music video's narrative about troubled youths feel more personal to me and my experiences growing up. we hope you enjoy it as much as we had fun back in the day"
- brendan